Category: Healthy Life


Daily Reading: Your Professional and Mental Boost

Longer days and warmer weather make this summer a prime time to work toward those New Year’s reading goals you set months ago (and have since forgotten). Reading may not

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Turning Goals into Habits and Habits into Goals

Whether on New Year’s Day or a random day of the year, we’ve all set goals of some kind — and we’ve all struggled to achieve them. There are many

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Take a Stand: The Benefits of Standing Desks

As you read this, ask yourself a question: Are you sitting or standing? If you’re sitting, think about how many total hours of your day you typically spend doing so.

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Gratitude Post

Fostering an Attitude of Gratitude

In just a few days, families and friends across the United States will gather for meals of turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. Often, as the meal is wrapping up, you’ll

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How to Find Fulfillment Beyond the 8 to 5

In an ideal world, we’d all be engaged in work that inspires us, pursuing our passions and finding unending fulfillment. However, many of us find ourselves in careers that don’t

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Giving Back by Giving Blood: Reynolds’ Quarterly Blood Drives

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood for surgeries, cancer treatments, chronic illnesses, or traumatic injuries. In addition, 4.5 million Americans will need a blood transfusion this

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What to Put on Your New Year’s Resolution List This Year (2023)

It’s almost 2023 and time to start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe you’ve already made a list, planned how you will tackle it, and are ready to meet the

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Matt Owens

Bringing Your Passions to Work

When Matt Owens began his career with Reynolds in 2007, he entered the corporate world with two passions: teaching and theatre. Thanks to the support of the local performing arts

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2022 Ne Year's Resolutions notepad and pen

Making (and Keeping) A New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s resolutions are a time-honored tradition for millions of people. Every year, we promise to take a more active approach to our health and fitness, to improve our finances

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6 Tips to Getting Your First Job Out of College

Graduating is a big step, but now what? Where do you go with this newfound knowledge you possess? How do you find a company that will utilize your skills and

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