Finding a Career You'll Love

Finding a career you love isn’t always easy. Experimenting with internships and job shadowing can help, but these opportunities may be competitive and difficult to land. Without any experience in your chosen environment, you may enter a career field that doesn’t meet your expectations. Fortunately, there are many career options, and there’s bound to be a profession perfect for you.
Reynolds and Reynolds is familiar with people who are looking for a change of pace from their original career path. Alongside normal business and communication majors, we have zoology, poultry science, and theatre majors working in our facilities. We have a large variety of departments where different strengths will shine.
Think about where you see yourself currently, or in the future. Are you happy? Are you challenged by your work? Do you have a bad case of the Sunday-night blues when the weekend is over? If you aren’t content, what would make you satisfied in the long-run?
When you’re searching for your dream job, treat everything as a learning experience and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Read job descriptions and answer interview questions honestly. Most companies are looking for employees that will thrive in their environment; there’s no shame in saying “this isn’t right for me.”
If you’re wondering what careers people are finding the most enjoyable in 2017, check out what Business Insider lists as the top 25 jobs in America. Many of these jobs are found at Reynolds. Taking an online personality assessment may also help. Arealme.com’s quiz is a great place to start pinpointing a career where you’ll thrive.
Never settle, and always strive to land a job you’ll love.