Author: Reynolds Careers

Bridging the Gap Between Hard and Soft Skills

Throughout your professional career, however new or tenured you may be, you are guaranteed to have heard the terms “soft skills” and “hard skills” before. And though the terms are

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The Power of Lifelong Learning

Learning doesn’t stop when you’re handed a diploma at graduation. Sure, your high school or college education provides a solid knowledge base, but it’s actually through ongoing, intentional experiences that

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Pro Tip for Success: Use Your Planner with Purpose

Have you ever caught yourself uttering the words “No, I don’t need to write this down, I will remember”? But you won’t, and you know it. We have all dared

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A Clumsy Intern’s Guide to Navigating Reynolds

This article was written by one of our summer interns, McKenna H. She attends the University of Texas at San Antonio and worked in the Marketing department at Reynolds and

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Giving Back by Giving Blood: Reynolds’ Quarterly Blood Drives

Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood for surgeries, cancer treatments, chronic illnesses, or traumatic injuries. In addition, 4.5 million Americans will need a blood transfusion this

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Day in the Life: Q&A with an Outside Sales Trainee

Our associates work in many different positions with a variety of tasks and roles. We recently sat down with one of our Outside Sales Trainees to ask about his responsibilities

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Learn the Lingo: Automotive Acronyms to Know

Just like in any industry, the automotive world is full of acronyms. Whether in the dealership, or in our offices, we use many of these acronyms to converse about the

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Ready, Set, Succeed: Tips for Your First Day on the Job

After scouring job sites for days, weeks, and potentially even months, you finally find a job you’re excited about. Your resume makes it past the critical eye of the recruiter,

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Pro Tip for Success: Arrange Your Desk for Optimal Productivity

When you join the corporate world as a full-time associate, you’ll likely spend hours at your desk every day, and if your workspace is cluttered and disorganized, you might find

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Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Electric Vehicles?

In the past decade, the market for electric vehicles (EVs) has grown. And with recent talks of climate change, fluctuating gas prices, tax incentives, and major manufacturers switching to sole

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