Pile of resumes with a bullseye in the middle

Reynolds Careers

January 8, 2018

Success from the Start

2 minutes


5 Ways to Help Your Resume Stand Out

Pile of resumes with a bullseye in the middle

Reynolds Careers

January 8, 2018

Success from the Start

2 minutes

A single job posting can prompt hundreds of resumes or applications. You want your resume to stand out. If you apply at Reynolds and Reynolds, our recruiting department looks at every resume, then checks to see if you would be a good fit for any open positions. Make sure you check your spelling, emphasize relevant information, and deliver a professional message. If you’re looking to give your resume an extra boost, try incorporating these tips:

1. Use Industry Terms

Don’t be afraid to be technical when writing your qualifications. Using appropriate industry terms on your resume can assure recruiters and hiring managers you are prepared to enter the field.

2. Make It Job-Specific

Include the specific position or company within your resume. It’s easy to include this in your objective or your cover letter. Be sure your resume is accurate, you don’t want to submit one with the wrong information!

3. Watch Your Formatting

Use short, concise sentences, and have consistent margins. Keep your text size, bolded words, and font set up the same throughout the page. A sloppy resume format could signal you aren’t willing to put much effort into your career.

4. Leave Breaks

It may be difficult to fit your entire professional life onto a page, but do so while leaving breaks for the reader’s eyes. Leave a space or a line between topics so the reader isn’t overwhelmed with information. It will also give your resume a more professional look.

5. Write About Your Accomplishments

Many people highlight responsibilities on their resume. Although being in a position where you are assigned tasks is something to be proud of, you want to highlight your accomplishments. Did an organization or club grow with your help? Did you jump-start a new program on campus? Talk about the impact you made on your community. We want to know the actions you took to improve your surroundings.

Creating a resume can be challenging, but is well worth it in the end. When piecing together your accomplishments, use relevant information and limit everything to one page. Once you double check your resume and submit it, you should prepare for the next steps in the hiring process.

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