Reynolds Careers

September 8, 2024

Company Culture,
On the Job

2 minutes


Beyond the Revolving Doors: Lessons from a Reynolds Intern

Reynolds Careers

September 8, 2024

Company Culture,
On the Job

2 minutes

This article was written by Katie R., Corporate Communications Intern at Reynolds’ Dayton headquarters and English major at Arizona State University.

Though not an initially easy task, stepping through Reynolds’ revolving doors into a world of new experiences turned into a series of lessons I will carry with me for the rest of my career.

Coming from a background of customer service-based jobs, I knew little about the realities of the corporate workplace. I found some embarrassingly small tasks I needed training on – I knew how to craft a latte, not how to open an Excel sheet! – but even the seemingly unrelated skills I acquired from my short-term jobs contributed to the strong work ethic and adaptability I put into practice at Reynolds.

Three years of pursuing an English degree made my integration into the writing-based position seamless, although I still had much to learn about the differences between academic and business writing. Thankfully, a team of skilled writers and communicators expertly taught me the ins and outs of the professional writing world, and now I have several published articles tucked into my portfolio.

Despite my capabilities and qualifications, imposter syndrome crept into my mind. At the start of my internship experience, I told myself that I didn’t deserve the role and that I wasn’t good enough as a writer. Through serious mindset re-framing, I overcame self-criticism and recognized that I do belong in this corporate world just as much as the next person.

Reynolds hosts a community of friendliness that surprised me right away. When your only perception of the corporate world derives from movies, it’s easy to believe that everyone you encounter steps straight out of The Devil Wears Prada. Fortunately, this depiction is not true of Reynolds, as my team valued honest communication and inclusivity. They embraced me as one of their own through a range of team bonding activities, from running a street corn booth at the company cook-off to welcoming my input at important meetings.

In the days leading up to my internship, I harbored so much doubt that I convinced myself the team would regret bringing me on within the first week. And now, nearing the end of my internship, I have learned so much not only about Reynolds, the automotive industry, and writing but also about myself and what I can accomplish when I stretch the boundaries of comfort.

My summer at Reynolds contributed to these lessons learned:

  • All experiences are valuable, regardless of background.
  • No matter how much you already know, there is always more to learn.
  • You belong where your feet are.
  • Appearances can be deceiving. People and workplaces often defy stereotypes.
  • You can accomplish so much more than you’d expect if you simply try.

My Reynolds internship helped me discover confidence in my career, identify my professional goals, and feel more prepared to enter the workforce after graduation.

Step through the revolving doors and grow through opportunities at Reynolds.

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