
Reynolds Careers

June 2, 2024

Healthy Life,
On the Job

3 minutes


Daily Reading: Your Professional and Mental Boost


Reynolds Careers

June 2, 2024

Healthy Life,
On the Job

3 minutes

Longer days and warmer weather make this summer a prime time to work toward those New Year’s reading goals you set months ago (and have since forgotten). Reading may not be your first choice of summertime activity, but like exercise, you can only gain the benefits of reading through practice.

You might be thinking, I have more important things to do than read.

Do you, though? Daily reading has a positive impact in many different areas of our lives.

Reading is proven to be a strong contributor to great long-term memory, reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, and has mental health benefits such as reducing stress and improving moods.

For the lifelong learner, reading is an important practice since it’s all about absorbing information. Not only are nonfiction books great for learning, but fiction is also a fantastic way to stretch our capacity for empathy.

Writing is a helpful skill for everyone to have – even if you’re simply sending emails – and an enthusiasm for reading builds the foundation for good writers.

Former President Harry S. Truman said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” Many influential innovators, CEOs, and powerful people have been known to be avid readers. So, if you’re looking for that next promotion, try picking up a book.

Okay, I’m convinced – but what do I read?

Now, obviously we can’t read everything that has ever been published. So, how do we decide what to read? Thankfully, we are not limited to nonfiction to gain the perks of reading – any book will do.

That said, it’s helpful to narrow down your options by deciding if you’re looking to learn something new or be entertained. Once you’ve figured that out, you can reference lists like this one or use online groups, forums, and apps as a source for recommendations.

But I get bored after a few chapters and never finish.

That’s fair – everything is easier said than done. How do we stay motivated to keep reading? Think back to the summer reading lists we had as kids and do something similar for yourself!

Set a goal – whether it’s the end of the year or the end of the week – and just start reading. Joining a book club could be a great way to meet goals and get to know people with similar interests. Many companies (Reynolds included) encourage internal teams to form book clubs and read together, making it both a bonding and learning experience.

Make your reading experience worth your time by making comprehension a priority. Slow down when you’re reading and take notes, ask questions, and underline what speaks to you. Don’t forget why you chose this particular book.

By now, you should be thinking, well that’s actually incredibly easy – I can do that.

So, just keep those pages turning. Your brain – and your boss – will thank you. Here’s to cracking open a good book, not just a cold one this summer.

Ready to put your newfound professional reading skills into use? Check out available opportunities with Reynolds here.

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