Beyond the Revolving Doors: Lessons from a Reynolds Intern

This article was written by Katie R., Corporate Communications Intern at Reynolds’ Dayton headquarters and English major at Arizona State University. Though not an initially easy task, stepping through Reynolds’

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The Automotive Industry by the Numbers

The booming automotive retailing industry encompasses anything related to the sale and distribution of vehicles to consumers and businesses – from browsing available cars online to signing a contract in

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Behind the Bot: A Part-Time Chat Representative Profile

Have you ever hopped on a website and started scrolling, only for a little chat box to pop up offering to assist you? That’s us – well, kind of. In

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The Three P’s of Public Speaking

Ah, public speaking. The phrase that sends a shudder down the spines of an estimated 75% of Americans. Some fear that they’ll be exposed for a lack of competency, while

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Don’t Be a Dinosaur: Embrace Lifelong Learning or Become Extinct

In September, we discussed the power of lifelong learning … but what does that really mean? Whether you’re a young professional just getting started on your career or you have

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The Colors of Success

Did you know that the colors you wear affect how other people perceive you? Knowing how color theory functions in a business setting can help you control the image you

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Daily Reading: Your Professional and Mental Boost

Longer days and warmer weather make this summer a prime time to work toward those New Year’s reading goals you set months ago (and have since forgotten). Reading may not

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Pro Tip for Success: Minimize Unnecessary Distractions

Imagine the following scenario: You’re in the middle of a project that’s due tomorrow when a teammate walks by and asks for help. You leave your desk and spend the

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Defining Communication Skills

In a previous blog post, we discussed the differences between hard and soft skills. While hard skills have to do with previous training and expertise, soft skills show who you

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Leveraging LinkedIn for Networking Success

One of the best ways to further your career is to build professional relationships – or network. According to a study from 2022, 42% of people found a job through

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