Inside Reynolds and Reynolds: What We Do

If you’ve read any posts on our blog, visited our website, or done a Google search, you might have gotten the gist that our company has something to do with the automotive industry — but you may not understand exactly what that means. We’re not a car dealership and we’re not a car manufacturer. So what does Reynolds do? Read on to dive into how our company fits in the automotive industry.
What is Reynolds?
The Reynolds and Reynolds Company started as a forms printing company in 1866, but today we develop and support software for automotive retailers. We also manufacture and distribute business forms and promotional items. Over 4,000 Reynolds associates are located around the world — at our headquarters in Dayton, OH and also in Texas, Florida, Canada, the UK, and several other European countries.
Who Are Reynolds’ Customers?
We primarily serve automotive dealerships. Dealerships, like any other business, want to grow, make profits, improve processes, keep their employees happy, and adapt to the ever-changing world of technology. They have to keep their business practices in line with all kinds of laws, rules, and regulations. They also want to meet the demands of their customers, ensuring they have an experience that will keep them coming back. That’s where Reynolds comes in.
We provide the solutions and services that help dealerships do all these things and more. We support their business so they can support their customers — potential, existing, and recurring car buyers.
What Solutions Does Reynolds Sell?
We sell software, hardware, and other solutions that help dealerships succeed. Some examples include:
- Business management software
- Kiosks
- Marketing tools
- Theft solutions
- Cyber security tools
- Standardized forms
How Are Reynolds’ Solutions Implemented at the Dealership?
If you’re in the market to buy a car, you might find out about a dealership through a piece of direct mail, an email, an online ad, or a simple Google search that leads you to the dealership’s website. If the dealer is a Reynolds customer, all of those pieces were likely created by Reynolds’ marketing teams.
Once you’re at the dealership, a salesperson might use our technologies to set appointments to test drive the car of your choice or to help you pick out accessories before purchase. They also might use a solution that helps them track the location of different vehicles on the lot so they can easily find the right car for you. All those technologies were created and are supported by Reynolds associates.
When it’s time to seal the deal, you’ll enter the finance and insurance (F&I) department where you’ll have to sign lots of paperwork. Reynolds’ solutions keep this process flowing quickly and smoothly. You might even sign electronically. Meanwhile, in the business office, the dealership is using our software for accounting, payroll, and even human resources. You drive away that day, happy with your experience.
A few months later, you receive a piece of mail from the dealership reminding you your vehicle is due for an oil change. You drive to the service department where you see your name on a video board welcoming you to the dealership. A service advisor records your concerns using a tablet, and you receive updates about your vehicle via phone or text.
These are just some of the tools and features you might find in use by a Reynolds customer.
How Do Reynolds Associates Fit Into This?
At Reynolds, we fill positions for a variety of departments. Some of our departments work directly with our solutions by improving processes and fixing issues for customers. Some might train our customers on how to use the software. Others sell or market to potential customers. And of course, there are many others.
If you still have questions, do some digging on our website and sift through blog posts. If you’re interviewing with us, make sure to ask our recruiters those questions. You definitely don’t have to be an expert in the automotive industry to work here, but knowing a little bit more about the industry you could be working in never hurts.
Ready to join the Reynolds team? Click here to see our current job openings.