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Reynolds Careers

July 5, 2022

Company Culture,
On the Job

2 minutes


Decorating Your Desk: 5 Ways to Jazz Up Your Workspace

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Reynolds Careers

July 5, 2022

Company Culture,
On the Job

2 minutes

Let’s be real. Desks in office buildings tend to look pretty cookie-cutter: a stapler here, a black and gray desk phone there, and a file cabinet that blends into the background. Whether you work from an office, a cube, or even from home, your workspace should spark joy and give you a comfortable place to succeed.

To help break up the uniformity of your space, bring in some fun decorations. They may help to brighten up your space and make it feel a little more like – well – your space. Here are just a few ideas to get you started.

1. Put up Some Pictures

Whether you work in a secluded cubicle with walls perfect for pushpins or from desks lined one after the next, hanging up or framing pictures of friends and family can help to add a pop of color to your workspace – and maybe even create talking points for passing coworkers. Pictures of your loved ones can make your desk feel more like a home away from home and help you feel more at ease. Also, I guarantee everyone does want to see your family dog, so please put up a picture (or three).

2. Go Green Amongst the Gray

Plants bring the outside in and make the fluorescent lighting in many offices a little less intense, immediately warming up your space. Low-maintenance succulents work well if you’re in the middle of the building, but if you really struggle to keep plants alive, faux plants are the way to go. Nobody will know the difference.

3. Incorporate Your Hobbies and Interests

Show off your unique hobbies and interests with neat knickknacks and desk accessories. If you have a favorite movie franchise or video game, adding action figures or a movie poster is a great way to add personality into your space. Some desk accessories, like a funky set of sticky notes, help to promote productivity, but there’s no shame in showing off your Lego tape dispenser simply because it looks cool.

4. Cue the Coziness

You may be limited on space, but you aren’t quite as limited on style. Something as simple as a soft throw blanket or small pillow on your chair can make your space feel more cozy and welcoming. I threw a small pink blanket over the spare chair in my cube, and not only does it provide a pop of my favorite color, but it’s also my saving grace when the building is a little chillier than normal.

5. Show off Your Team Spirit

Your workspace is a great place to show your pride and appreciation for your favorite sports teams, so feel free to add some swag. Be proud and show your school spirit with a cool flag or poster. Team pride is another great way to connect with colleagues and drum up conversation.

Decorating your workspace is a great way to not only bring your personality with you to work, but also to connect with coworkers and bond over common interests. Whether you hang up a few things here and there or you treat your workspace like a second home, make it your own!

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