6 Tips to Getting Your First Job Out of College

Graduating is a big step, but now what? Where do you go with this newfound knowledge you possess? How do you find a company that will utilize your skills and help you build a career? Use these six tips to jumpstart your career search.
1. Visit Your University Career Center
Being a recent grad, there is a good chance you have access to your university’s career center. Speaking to an advisor about the roles you are looking for, the positions available to you, and where you want to go with your career can be a great launching point for finding your first dream job.
2. Start Networking
It’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know… is what I would say if I wanted to discount all of your schooling and experience. Still, networking is an important aspect to landing a new position. It’s easier for a hiring manager to say “yes” with a referral or reference from someone they respect and trust. A great place to start for Dayton locals would be an event such as the Generation Dayton: Monthly Mixer. Get yourself out there and make your name known.
3. Do Market Research
Knowing everything you can about who is hiring is vital to being the best job candidate you can be. Look at the openings in your desired field and find the keywords employers keep bringing up. Incorporate these themes from job listings into your resume, so it’s tailored to the position you want to have. Employers set out looking for someone specific; the closer you can get to being that, the better chance you will get hired.
4. Create a Professional Website
This can be more useful than you might think, I promise. In the sea of endless resumes and portfolios, there is one tool that lets you stick out and represent yourself as a brand; your website. According to Forbes, more than half of all hiring managers are more impressed by a job candidate’s personal website than by any other personal branding tool. Use this to fill in the gaps of your resume, provide examples of work experience, and give yourself an opportunity to show some personality/flair. This will be an even bigger hit if you’re looking for a career in a creative or digital space.
5. Create a LinkedIn Account
LinkedIn is a catchall for a modern job searcher. A networking tool, a way to showcase job experience and skills, a way to build your personal brand, and a way to directly apply to jobs. You can also use LinkedIn as a source when researching companies to find out what a company does or their work culture. Check out Reynolds’ LinkedIn page to see what our culture is like.
6. Line Up an Internship
Experience, experience, experience. Just because you are a recent graduate, doesn’t mean you should be above an internship. If an opportunity arises for an internship that’s in your desired field, jump on it. It will give you real-world work experience, making you a more hirable candidate down the road. It could also even transition into a full career with that company. There are many associates at Reynolds who started out as interns or part time associates, who are now full time or even in management positions.
Reynolds has a strong focus on hiring top talent and promoting from within to keep them growing in the company. Check out our open positions to get your foot in the door of your future career.