Looking in on the Innovation Center

Meet Gabrielle, a new associate here at Reynolds. She is the newest member of the team in our Innovation Center, an all-encompassing Retail Management System experience found at Reynolds headquarters in Dayton, Ohio.
What made you want to work for Reynolds?
I heard about Reynolds from the daughter of my piano teacher growing up; she worked here and raved about it when she found out I was looking for a job. That is what made me first consider Reynolds. I also have the benefit of living near the Dayton area, so I’ve met a lot of people who work here and everyone always says good things about the company.
How did you learn about the Innovation Center?
I actually had never heard of the Innovation Center before applying. I applied for a job in marketing because that’s what my degree was in. A Reynolds recruiter got in contact with me, recommending the Innovation Center position based on my resume.
After talking to the head of the Innovation Center, I became very interested in the position. The whole idea of the Innovation Center was intriguing and sounded really cool. Being able to actually come here and see it in person for my interview was a big plus.
How would you describe the Innovation Center and what it does?
The Innovation Center is an interactive experience for our prospective customers. They visit the center to see what Reynolds refers to as “the power of one.” The visit typically involves in-depth business conversations with executives at the company, facility tours, and demonstrations of our solutions in a mock-dealership setting. The goal is to educate potential customers about the culture of Reynolds and showcase the power of our solutions.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I love the team I work with. They are amazing people. Everybody here has been helpful and welcoming, especially when it comes to learning the systems and technologies we offer. Having the ability to call on my teammates and ask for advice or to help explain something to me has been invaluable. I also love getting to prepare and be part of customer visits to the Innovation Center. It’s a unique experience that other companies don’t offer. It’s great to be part of making our customers feel important and valued to our business.
Reynolds and Reynolds is always looking to hire high-quality applicants. See internship opportunities and job openings here.