Woman Doing Finances at Home

Reynolds Careers

April 27, 2020

Company Culture,
Healthy Life,
On the Job

3 minutes


Making Work-from-Home Manageable

Woman Doing Finances at Home

Reynolds Careers

April 27, 2020

Company Culture,
Healthy Life,
On the Job

3 minutes

If there’s one thing we can take comfort in during the outbreak of COVID-19, it’s knowing all of us are navigating this unprecedented time together. While working or taking classes from home is new to many of us, there are things we can do on a regular basis to make the adjustment easier. At Reynolds, we’ve compiled some of our top tips for what it takes to successfully work from home.

Create a Routine and Set Specific Hours

Wake up, make coffee, take a walk at lunch, work out, read, facetime your friends, whatever you would normally do. Make sure you set a schedule and stick to it. Utilize outlook to block off time for certain tasks or things that can easily take longer if you get distracted with something.

Have a Separate Work Space

If possible, delineate a part of your house as your “office” and when you’re sitting there, it’s time to work. If you can close the door to the room you’re in, even better! That way you can close out other distractions.

Change into Clean Clothes

You should have daytime clothes and nighttime clothes. You don’t have to dress as you do at the office (but you may want to if you’re on a video meeting), but changing into fresh clothes will make all the difference.


While this may seem like a weird tip, if you’re not leaving the house it might be easy to skip, but trust me, eventually, you or your roommates will regret it.

Get Some Fresh Air

Take a short walk outside if it’s safe to in your area, for even just 5 minutes. You’ll be surprised how stale the inside air can get and how this quick break can revitalize you.

Don’t Be Afraid to Call People

You can’t stop by someone’s desk, so sometimes a phone call is needed. Don’t hesitate to pick up the phone to chat with your team. It can help you save time in long emails.

Try to Eat Normal Meals

Don’t just snack throughout the day however tempting it is. Regular meals will help break up your day in sizable chunks and provide structure.

Mute Your Computer on Your Lunch Break

It’s easy to hear your bells and whistles go off while you’re spending lunch at your kitchen table or on your couch, and can make you get up to check things that you wouldn’t typically do on your lunch. Working from home can really blur the work/life balance lines, so this will help.

Take Breaks

Speaking of lunch break, don’t forget to take short breaks throughout the day. When you’re in the office, you probably get up frequently to go to the printer, supply area, or for a coffee/snack.

Change it Up

If you feel like you’re hitting a wall, take time to work standing up or take a second to step away. Not everyone has a standing desk on hand, but try putting your laptop or tablet on a stack of books or a shelf if you can to get a little change of scenery (even if that’s just a higher spot on the wall). When you don’t have meetings to walk to that break up your day, you can feel a little stir crazy in one spot!

While this is a strange time for all of us, it’s important to keep moving forward. So, do your best to stay healthy, wash your hands, keep your head up, and let’s keep moving – we’ll get through this together (while at least six feet apart).

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