Becoming Reynolds' Rookie of the Year

My first job out of college was teaching high school literature. I never thought I would find myself working for a large company because of how much I loved when a student of mine found success. It was that same feeling that led me to coach volleyball. I enjoyed working closely with people, helping them achieve something on their own, whether in the classroom or on the court. However, after pursuing my Master’s degree and navigating some new experiences in my life, I decided to move from the high school classroom to a more corporate setting at Reynolds and Reynolds.
I remember a moment during New Hire Orientation, when a vice president of the company told us to “seize the opportunity”. He explained there would be times when we would be asked to participate in or complete a task that could potentially set us apart. It was in those moments we needed to be ready and willing to take advantage of any such opportunity. I did not know at the time what those opportunities would be for me, but as I reflect on my first year, I can see them clearly.
My first year with Reynolds was a whirlwind. Being a part of our docuPAD Software Implementation team and working with the Penkse Automotive Group kept me incredibly busy. My supervisor made sure I was successful. I was trained, assisted, and encouraged by teammates who wanted me to succeed. I also worked with a customer group that demanded excellence.
These opportunities were placed in my path from the start. And as I remembered what was said to me, I made sure to take full advantage of those opportunities. I believe this is what set me apart early on and eventually lead to more recognition.
After establishing myself as competent and reliable with the tasks set before me, I was then asked to tackle more difficult jobs and help with more serious customer issues. There were even opportunities to contribute to more exciting projects like making training videos for Penske Automotive Group. Truth be told, I was not always comfortable with the tasks at hand, but I jumped at them anyway.
When I walked up to receive the award for Rookie of the Year, I did realize that yes, I had been set up for success by the company, my team, and my supervisors, but I had also worked hard and taken advantage of every opportunity presented to me. I can now confidently say to any new hire, “seize the opportunity”, discover what experience and knowledge you bring to the table, work hard, and the rest will fall into place.