Job Fair Today sign at registration table for professional business event

Reynolds Careers

January 29, 2018

Success from the Start

2 minutes


Career Fairs: What You Need to Know

Job Fair Today sign at registration table for professional business event

Reynolds Careers

January 29, 2018

Success from the Start

2 minutes

Reynolds and Reynolds loves to attend career fairs (you can get updates on where we are on our Facebook page). We have booths at large career fairs as well as smaller ones held within university gyms. If you’re looking to navigate a career fair, we have a few tips and tricks:

1. See if the career fair has an app.

If your desired career fair has an app, download it. The app will probably have a map of the building or the layout of the career fair. You can locate where you are, and visit relevant booths without wasting time.

2. Plan your visit.

Many companies at career fairs will have a list of majors they desire to hire either on the career fair’s website, or on their individual social media pages. Find businesses looking to hire your major, and plan your route accordingly.

3. Have answers to questions ready.

Recruiters at the booths will want to know about you and what you are looking for in a career. Be ready to explain your desired career, location, and what you look for in a company.

4. Bring your resume.

Always bring copies of your resume to career fairs. When you plan your visit you should know exactly how many resumes to bring based off the number of booths you want to visit. Always bring a few more than you need. Try to print your resumes on resume paper. If you have a career center on campus, the staff there will likely provide you with nice paper. Carry your resumes in a folder or portfolio so they stay looking clean and professional for employers.

5. Dress professionally.

Dress to impress. Put on closed-toed dress shoes and a business professional outfit. If you have a suit jacket, wear it. Make sure you stand out from the crowd.

Career fairs are great places to network and search for a job. Use your time wisely, and let the recruiters know why you are the best choice. Hopefully you’ll get a call to interview soon after.

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