meal prepped and ready to eat

Reynolds Careers

July 31, 2017

Healthy Life,
On the Job

2 minutes


Meal prepping: does it work?

meal prepped and ready to eat

Reynolds Careers

July 31, 2017

Healthy Life,
On the Job

2 minutes

Meal prepping ideas have flooded Pinterest, Facebook, and other social media sites since the pre-planned packers created profiles. These wonderful people have shown us that being organized can be easy and delicious.

At Reynolds there are dining facilities that make grabbing a lunch easy and affordable. There are always different options for the main course as well as salads, soups, and fruit. If you’re not wanting to purchase food during the lunch hour, then meal prepping is a great way to plan your lunch ahead of time!

Some recommendations I have before starting this adventure would be to:

Make sure you know how to cook all of the ingredients before you start.

It may seem easy to cook fresh green beans instead of canned ones, but when you are faced with finding out what “crisp tender” means on the spot, things can be a little daunting. Look up how to cook ingredients you have not handled before so you are not faced with unexpected obstacles in the middle of preparing the food.

See if it all really fits into one pan.

Many recipes claim all the ingredients will fit into one pan. This isn’t always true. You could have purchased bigger pieces of chicken, or simply have a smaller pan than the YouTube instructor. Don’t get caught last minute with four pans full of food. Chances are, something will burn.

Don’t try food you won’t like.

There have been people who have not liked spicy foods, yet made something with jalapenos because “the picture looked delicious.” Don’t waste your money on food you won’t eat. Stick to familiar flavors and tastes.

Briefly look through the comments on the recipe.

The suggestions for improvement written in the online comments section can be very helpful. People will suggest adding the food in a different order or substituting one sauce for another. Rarely do these comments hurt the food and often they will make it even more delicious.

Some meal prepping ideas include:

Taco Salad Lunch Bowl

BLT Chicken Caesar Salad Wraps

Chicken Fajita Lunch Bowls

Meal Prep Shrimp Taco Bowls

Korean Beef Meal Prep Bowls

The largest downside to meal prepping is the food is only fresh for a few days, but it’s yummy enough to eat all at once! You’ll love having this easy method of grab-and-go lunches ready whenever you are hungry.




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