Associate Named February Generation Dayton Featured Professional

Reynolds and Reynolds strives to hire the best talent and surround its associates with others who want to succeed. A great example of an associate who has been successful both inside and outside of Reynolds is Heather B. She was recently featured as the Generation Dayton Featured Professional of the Month for February. In addition to her work as a digital marketing specialist for Reynolds, she is a Red Cross Associate Board Member, works with the Dayton Metro Library, and also volunteers for philanthropic activities at work.
Generation Dayton is a young professionals group aimed at helping members build relationships with business and community leaders, connect with peers, and develop leadership skills, while growing as professionals. In the past, two other Reynolds associates, Jennifer M. and Sarah V., were named Generation Dayton Professionals of the Month.
Q: What are your hobbies and interests?
A: I love to travel. My favorite place I’ve ever been is hands down Berlin, within the country it is Washington, D.C. (I promise I can make anyone fall in love with DC). I also like to write and have been published a few times. My other big obsessions would be sports and live music. I try to go to games (Bengals, Reds, Kings/Capitals, University of Dayton Flyers) and concerts as often as possible.
Q: What is your favorite area eatery?
A: I would have to say Jimmie’s Ladder 11. It does have the unfair advantage of being within walking distance of my house, though. Tanks for a weekend brunch would probably be my second choice.
Q: What is your favorite weekend activity?
A: I had season tickets to the Bengals so that WAS my favorite weekend activity. Now that that is over I really do not know. No weekend is ever the same for me.
Q: What do you love about Dayton?
A: I love a lot of things about Dayton, much to my surprise. When I moved back from (Southern) California a few years ago I did not expect to be happy here but the people are great, I’ve made quite a few new and incredible friends. Plus, we have a lot of really great local places like Ghostlight, Century Bar, and Crafted & Cured, among so many others, and I love how the community supports all of those places.
Q: How has Generation Dayton aided your professional, personal and/or social development?
A: I think Generation Dayton has helped me break out of my shell a little bit. I grew up in the area, but when I joined I only knew one person. I definitely feel as though I have made friends through this organization as well as potential professional connections. On top of that, I think being around other young professionals and hearing their stories and having their support has truly helped me to learn what it is that I really want in life, and begin to chase those dreams.
Finally, everything about the professional development committee has helped me with personal, social and professional growth. For anyone looking to get the most out of Generation Dayton, I highly suggest looking to join a committee (or at the least come to all of our professional development events!).
Do you want to hear more from Heather about being named February Generation Dayton Featured Professional? Check out the Dayton Business Journal for the full article.