Adam Osting headshot


May 17, 2017

On the Job

2 minutes


My Reynolds and Reynolds Success Story: Adam O.

Adam Osting headshot


May 17, 2017

On the Job

2 minutes

This is a guest post from Adam O., a Reynolds associate. He describes his role in helping launch a new product line.

I work in Reynolds Document Services as a product manager on the marketing and branding solutions team. In my role, I am responsible for bringing new products to market, managing existing products, and helping ensure our sales team has tools they need to sell the products.

One thing everyone should know about Reynolds is there is no shortage of opportunity for those associates who really want to take on greater responsibility and make an impact. It's an integral part of our company culture. I experienced this last year when I was tasked with a unique challenge that would force me to grow professionally. It helped prove to me that Reynolds is serious about cultivating associates.

Near the end of April 2016, my manager approached me with an opportunity to add a completely new product line to the Document Services portfolio – the Portable Charging Station.

Car companies require dealerships provide charging stations for electronic devices. This new product line would satisfy these requirements and meet customer expectations.  I wanted to be involved in giving this new line life at Reynolds.

To prepare for the product launch, my team met with the supplier and showed samples to our sales representatives, making sure everyone agreed the new line would be a valuable addition to the business.

We also had to make sure our sales reps had something to show their customers! I worked with our marketing specialists to create flyers, brochures, and other resources for our sales team.

We also wanted the new product announcement to be creative; something as new and as different as the product line itself. Since it was not feasible to bring all the sales reps to our office in Dayton, we decided to bring Portable Charging Stations to them.

I hosted two live, interactive webinars, broadcast directly to our sales reps, which was something our team had not done before. These webinars were well received by our sales team.

Now that Portable Charging Stations have launched, I continue to enhance the product and the accompanying marketing materials.

I am incredibly happy for the success of this new line for Reynolds, and I am even more excited to see what the rest of this year has in store. The initial rollout and ongoing success of this product is a tribute to everyone involved, and just goes to show – We Are Reynolds!

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