6 Survival Tips for Your First Week

The following post is from Meg T. who interned with Reynolds this summer.
The first week at a new job can be exciting, yet intimidating at the same time. You meet a lot of new people and learn so many new things. It can be overwhelming if you don’t have a plan to cope.
Here are six survival tips to help you make it through the first five days of a new job:
Write Things Down
You will not remember everything. So, bring a pen and paper with you everywhere (I recommend carrying a portfolio). Write down reminders, notes, or even people’s names. There is no shame in writing things down. In fact, most people will see it as an admirable and responsible quality.
Talk to Random People
Talking to strangers can take guts, but it is one of the most important tricks to feeling a part of the company. Ask the person in the elevator how his or her day is going. Join a sports league, even if you don’t know anyone on the team. And, if you’re feeling really brave, take a tray up to a table of people at lunch and ask to sit with them. It is such a simple way to make a good impression around the office, and you’ll likely make a few friends.
Don’t Make Assumptions
Set all judgments aside when you enter a new workplace. Your goal is to observe. Many of your colleagues have made up their minds about certain things, including people and procedures. Make up your mind about someone after you meet them in person. See a policy in action before judging its merit. Don’t let preconceived notions or office gossip affect your perceptions.
Get Acclimated
It may be your first instinct to jump right into your assignments and push through them. While your work ethic should be strong, do not underestimate the need for getting comfortable in your new environment. Organize your desk the way that you like it, or even put up some tactful pictures around you. Feeling comfortable in your work environment helps boost productivity throughout your work week, allowing you to accomplish more work.
Be Open to New Things
Your internship or new job may involve tasks that are not exactly what you expected to be doing. Be okay with that. Try something new throughout your first week. It may end up being something you want to pursue. Raise your hand to assist on different projects. Each new task provides you with another opportunity to continue learning and building new skill sets.
Dress the Part
Pay attention to the environment you are in and take cues from respected colleagues. Before you wear a skirt to work, observe the length and style of those around you. If you skipped the tie on your second day and you are the only person without, you might want to keep an extra one at your desk. Every work environment’s definition of the dress code is different, so customize your wardrobe based on what is appropriate at your individual workplace. You’ll be happy you did.
Being a new associate can be intimidating, but keeping the tips above in mind will help you get off on the right foot.